Music | Wonder by Naughty Boy & Emeli Sandé

This song is on every morning playlist I’ve ever made since its release. It is THE anthem to yearning wandering souls everywhere. If you haven’t heard it, let me be the one to break that streak today.

Emeli Sandé is undoubtedly one of the most enchanting voices of our generation so it’s not surprising that she instantly captivates you with the melody and heartfelt lyrics of "Wonder". And Naughty Boy was in his bag in 2013 with the Hotel Cabana album where the song first debuted.

Every time I listen to Wonder, it effortlessly transports me to a realm of pure ecstasy. It is transcendent! It is such a powerful anthem that speaks to the depths our human experiences and the resilience of the human spirit.

Sandé delivers each line with raw passion and sincerity. From the way she carriers the tender verses to the soaring chorus, she infuses every note with a sense of longing and hope - calling you in and inviting you to reflect on your own journey of self-discovery and personal evolution.

The production is remarkable and it blends elements of pop and soul seamlessly. The truly heavenly vocals layered in the background and the lush instrumentation, including the vibrant piano and sweeping strings, creates a rich musical landscape that perfectly complements Sandé's powerhouse vocals.

"Wonder" is a testament to the transformative power of music and its ability to touch our hearts and souls. It’s the song AND the singer. She is…ughhh sublime. This is forever an Emeli Sandé stan account!

Today, I’m inspired by it and wanted to share. So listen and let yourself be swept away by the pure magic of "Wonder". May its lyrics and melodies ignite a sense of wonder within your own heart.

🎶 This is Wonder - a masterpiece 🎶

I can beat the night, I'm not afraid of thunder

I am full of light, I am full of wonder

Whoa, oh I ain't falling under

Whoa, oh I am full of wonder

Though our feet might ache, the world's upon our shoulders

No way we goin' break, 'cause we are full of wonder

Whoa, oh we ain't falling under

Whoa, oh we are full of wonder

This light is contagious,

Go, go tell your neighbors

Just reach out and pass it on,

When everything feels wrong, and darkness falls upon ya

Just try sing along, this is a message from Cabana

If your heart turns blue, I want you to remember

This song is for you, and you are full of wonder

Whoa, oh we ain't falling under

Whoa, oh we are full of wonder

- Emeli Sandé, Harry Craze, Hugo Chegwin, Shahid Khan


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